Thursday, November 28, 2013


Hidden Beauty - Eindhoven NL 2013

Melbourne 88 or 89

Melbourne early 90's I think
I was fortunate to have a chance to do a quick piece as part of one of the Hidden Beauty projects in Eindhoven NL (top photo).
Naturally my preference is for trying new things, exploring and pushing personal boundaries a little, but had very little time on this one and in the rush kind of settled for what I knew. I like it a lot though, fast-ish and unforced.
The 2 old pieces pictured below it and thoughts on their relationship to it kept cropping up while painting...The permutations on the these 3 letters and approaches to them still manage to interest me...anyway... I'll save the theories/essay for another day....

GRAFIXX - Antwerpen

My wife and co have been busy of late putting another edition of Grafixx together to be held in Antwerp this weekend. If you're into underground zines / illustration, there is a whole bunch of cool stuff from Europe, America and I saw a box come in from far afield as Hong Kong.
Find out all the details on

- a giant zine fest with over 50 participants (see below)

- exhibitions by Ulvehund (BE), Icinori (FR), Benoît Guillaume (FR), Mike Redmond + Faye Coral Johnson (UK), Joakim Drescher (DK), Sarah-Louise Barbett (BE), Aisha Franz (DE), Frederik Van den Stock + Charlotte Dumortier (BE), Vagabundos / El Neoray / GINOZINE (BE) and Mari Kanstad Johnsen (NO)

- lectures on SATURDAY by Serge Baeken (12:30h), Gemma Correll (14:30h), Icinori (16:30h) and SUNDAY by Brecht Evens (12:30h), Stefano Ricci (14:30h), Aisha Franz (16:30h)

- live music and drawing jams on SATURDAY by Laserstraal x Wide Vercnocke (20:00h), June Lagoon x Joakim Drescher (20:45h), Styrofoam x Ward Zwart (21:30h), Wim De Bussertrio x Herr Seele (22:15h), The Go Find x Randall.C (23:00h), Internal Sun (23:45h) and a party! (00:30h)

- workshops by Astrid Yskout (BE), Knust / Extrapool (NL) and Raaf / Electron (NL) and the Topo Copy Shelf Library (BE)

- the artists of Studio Sketch paint your portrait (SATURDAY / SUNDAY) while Kim Duchateau spins the wheels of steel (SATURDAY)

- screenings of Between The Lines (a documentary about our very own Ephameron) and a selection of our favourite short artistic animations

WHEN: November 30 + December 1, 2013
WHERE: DE Studio | Maarschalk Gérardstraat 4 | Antwerpen
OPEN: Sat from 12 – 18h and 20 – 04h + Sun from 12 – 18h
ENTRANCE: € 5 per half day – € 12 for the whole weekend

Aidan Koch, Ana Albero, Anke Feuchtenberger, Anthony Zinonos, Astrid Yskout, Booklet, Canicola, CCOOLL, Celine De Cadt, Collection Revue, Cortney Cassidy, Edition Biografiktion, Éditions FP&CF, Ephameron, Eva Mundorff, Famicon, Gang Bang Bong, Gemma Correll, Huuda Huuda, Jeffrey Kriksciun, Jordskred, kuš!, Kuti Kuti, Landfill Editions, Laura Geurten, Le Dernier Cri, Leon Sadler, Louis Reith, Marcus Oakley, Mari Kanstad Johnsen, Marion Balac, Martha Verschaffel, Mayken, Modèle Puissance, Museums Press, Nigel Peake, Nobrow, Nos Books, Paul Paetzel, Petomies, PictureBox, Poupi Whoopy, Rotopol, Sarah Vanbelle, Sarah-Louise Barbett, Shimrit Elkanati, Studio Fluit, The Treasure Fleet, Till Hafenbrak, Tommytfortwo, Ward Zwart and more

Thursday, November 14, 2013